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Environment Policy

Commitment to Our Environment

Carvers have traditionally maintained good relations with our local community and the communities in which we trade. The Company believes it is essential to maintain our reputation for being a good neighbour. To this end, our environmental policy helps formalise our commitment.

  • We are committed to continuous review of all activities with regard to their effect on the environment
  • We will, wherever possible, use recycled packaging material and reduce waste from packaging
  • We will actively seek to ensure all waste packaging materials and waste consumables are sent for recycling at the end of their life
  • Carvers will continuously review all operations which produce carbon dioxide to ensure the level of carbon dioxide emitted is kept to a minimum
  • We will, where possible, encourage our customers to use materials which have the least adverse impact on the environment.

Timber Products

When sourcing timber products, Carvers will encourage, and give preference to members of their supply base that ensure timber is grown and harvested in sustainable, managed forests; such sustainability being recognised by being approved by an in full CPET Timber Chain of Custody audit body. Carvers will encourage all members of their timber supply chain to join a suitable CPET approved scheme.

Carvers are accredited for timber chain of custody by both PEFC and FSC in full.

To view these certificates, click on the followings PDF’s:

Harmful Chemicals

Carvers will always endeavor to use chemicals that do not have a detrimental impact upon the environment. Where Carvers processes do require the use of chemicals, which either are, or have the potential to be harmful to the environment, Carvers will take all steps to ensure that the environmental impact is minimised a) by using a minimum quantity of chemical required b) by ensuring the chemicals are properly contained in case of spillage, etc.

Purchases of Plant and Machinery

All plant and machinery, when purchased, will be evaluated by the purchaser for its environmental impact. Where economically viable the item of plant or machinery which will cause the least amount of environmental impact shall be favoured.